Thursday, June 14, 2012

I hate stupid people

  Nothing pisses me off more then stupid people. Stupid people come from all different races and back grounds. Today I am gonna complain about my neighbor, his name in this blog is fatass. He is a man in his 50's and he lives in the end apartment, he is fat, black, and the biggest mooch I have ever seen. He seems to have no problem asking people for money, he has hit up my husband, and several neighbors. We are not rich... One day he had gone to 3 different apartments looking to borrow $2. When a person would say he did not have it, fatass would get mad and say to never ask him for anything... We don't cause fatass has nothing!! He had the nerve to demand my wireless password. Fatass walked up to me and told me he is getting a wireless siginal, and asked if it was from me, I said "yes" he said "give me your password" I said no way, if he wants to use MY wireless connection he needs to pay for it! Then fatass starts yelling at me about how he wants wireless, and how I should be more "neighborly" towards him since he is new. i told him I am neighborly, I am giving my next door neighbor wireless for free! he is pissssssssssssssssssssed!! Then later on he comes back over and asks my boyfriend for money. Fatass said that it needs to stay between them, I walked out and told him that no one is this apt is ever loaning him a dime, he said it was none of my business, I said "if you want money from my HUSBAND it is my business" We are married and are as 1, and besides I control the money, because I am better with the finances, I make sure the rent gets paid and the electric, and the internet, and the satalite dish and so on... He said not to come to him for any favors, I asked him "what do you have that I could possibly want? I have everything I can ever need inside. He was mad, not only because of the money thing, but because I spoke up.
  Fatass is completely mobile and he can work, I have seen him work, but of coarse he is getting sdisability checks every month. He gets $700 per month (the same amount my son gets lol). Yet he is still mooching money a couple days after he gets paid. His financial problems are not my problems and he will never get a cent out of me. A few days after he moved in he found out his next door neighbor had cable so he said "hook me up". I have seen entitlement before but he is unreal!!!! He is a fat dude and tall, he thinks he intimidates people, because he yells, but he doesn't intimidate most of us...  
  This is the worst part tho, I have a child, my child likes to play outside either alone or with his cousins or friends, he was outside playing, it was about 4pm and fatass has the nerve to tell my son to be quiet, he is trying to sleep. I told my son not to listen to him, and I allowed him to yell and play! For God sakes there is a school across the street, there are kids that live here if he wants quiet buy a fucken house!! Otherwise STFU!! Well a bit later he told James to be quiet again, this time my husband and I were outside. I told him, if he has an issue with MY child he needs to address me!!!! Do not talk to my son, he does NOT like you! We got into it, I told him this is an apartment building, and there are 12 families living in 12 apartments and with kids there will be noise, and if he can't deal with it then he needs to buy a house... He STFU!

  He complained to the landlord that we were throwing too much stuff away in the garbage cans. Wow, the landlord laughed at him and walked away, he complained to our landlord about my son being loud, and cried about what I said to him about buying  house. My landlord told him to man up and deal with it, the LL agreed with me :) Fatass black bastard!!!

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