Wednesday, June 13, 2012

I hate people!!! 18 and over only..

I am part of a small group called The Angry Mommyz. I have lived life long enough to have developed a hatred of other races. I have seen them sneak across our borders and then they have the nerve to  apply for government benefits, which they usually get! They get more then legal Americans get. They breed, and breed.. Then the hop over the border fences, and hide near the border until it's safe. They come out like a bunch of roaches seeing darkness and they scatter when they see light. One day after a few days of trying to figure out our expenses we figured out that we were going thru massive amounts of money paying for my sons $500 in pills he takes a month. We have been behind many times in rent because I had to spend my sons disability money on pills then rent and if we were lucky... electric. you can say that he always comes first. AND he does. even with a job there was no way I could pay for all of this. I was ashamed to go down to the SRS office  (medicaid) and ask for help. Thankfully they approved us right away (even me) they offered us food stamps and I shamefully excepted them. Now we are able to pay our rent plus all other bills on time. It has been 1 month since I got them and the medicaid. I am so glad I took the help, it has helped so much, now instead of skipping major bills to pay for meds and a small amount of food, medicaid pays for his pills and our food. Now I am able to concentrate on the bills I have to pay, which I get no help on.  I went into the SRS office for my first time and all I saw in there was a mix of blacks (who are American citizens) and illegal Mexicans. These roaches come into our country poor, and the first thing they do is look for a public aid office, they drag in their 10 kids and pregnant wife. These people has no less than 4 kids each (black too). I saw a couple of white people there who only had 1 kid and he/she was quiet and politely sat in the chair. So the next time I went I came off the bus, I saw some Mexican woman driving a nice SUV. She was behind me in a 2nd line, which moved faster. By the time I got up there she was already up there knowing why they cut her TANF and stamps. They said she makes too much money, she said she was broke. She had nothing, I was in a bad mood, being outraged she was lying. I said out loud to her, "yeah since when has one of those fully loaded SUV's is nothing? So we were told to sit, and she asked me "why u tell on me?" I said "because your scamming us, first of all your illegal, 2nd of all your driving an equivalent of a Caddy, complaining you have nothing, and here I am just off the bus pleading for help and how easy it is for you people" I got called up within seconds of her being called up. I complained to my caseworker about that Mexican puta! I don't know what happened but she was run by her plates (cause I went outside with my worker and pointed out the car) It was later learned that it was her personal car, the payments are like $600 per month (which believe it or not was what she was demanding the SRS people for, well actually $750) she was busted and denied cash assistance. There was a huge fight in the lot when I got out there, I am not scared of some lying cheating piece of shit illegal! She tried to come after me but she couldn't get to me due to a ton of people being out there to stop the fight. I went on my merry way on the bus. LOSERS

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