Thursday, June 14, 2012

I hate abortion and those who get one!

I hate abortion, I hate those who get abortions, people are so fucking stupid, if you spread out your legs you need to take responsibility for the spawn you produce due to that. Abortion is MURDER, so if you had an abortion your a child murderer! I don't get how someone can call a baby a fetus and have no emotion or love or attachment to it. Unless, of coarse, your a filthy child murderer! I don't give 2 shits what oother peoples opinions are, if you comment about how women have the right to do what they want with their bodies, i will call you an idiot and ban you, because your a jackass! Any creature with a viable heartbeat is alive. If you get pregnant why not give it up at birth? Do you prolifers know what it is like to not be able to have kids, but want them more then life itself? I do! I was told my chnces of getting pregnant were slim to none, but I screwed my husband every few days, low and behold I got pregnant, not just once but 3 times!! We have 2 healthy boys and one who died after birth. I miss him everyday! He is the reason I hate people who get abortions. I hope that those who have had an abortion or is going to have one, are tortured every single day till the end of your life comes (hopefully by suicide) or by a raging infection the abortionist gives you! Because you don't deserve to live, and at the very least you don't deserve to live a happy life!

   One thing that really roasts my nuts (peanuts) are people using abortion as birth control. WTF? are they stupid. Those r the people who I wish death and destruction on!! Them and those who have partial birth abortions, WOW!!

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