Wednesday, June 13, 2012

I fucken hate molesters. My sons story (4)

Lately I have been reading these horrible stories about men and women who molest babies and young children. All forms of molesters are sick, it's considered to be statutory rape if a person over 18 screws a 16 yo. Molestation makes me sick, angry, mad, and sad. I have experience with this kind of thing, my now 10 yo son was molested at the ages of 4 and 5. I hate myself for not picking it u earlier. The sicko man who touch my baby boy's penis and put ti into his mouth and made my 4yo put his penis into my kids mouth never went to jail. He threatened my child and told him never to tell or else "your mother will not believe you and she will spank you and hate you" "I will hurt you, if you tell gramma, gramma will cry, and she will hate you and you can never come over again!" Their game was called the touching game, and when he wanted my son he would tell him they were playing a touching game. My son loved these people, since my mom wasn't around and my dad had died, he called them gramma and grandpa. It's still natural for him to call for his gramma. Well one day about 3 weeks before I found out what happened we went over there for Easter dinner, like we do every year. My son saw his Grammy and went to hug her, he saw grandpa and he ran to me and hid behind my back. I knew something was off but I didn't know what. Sometimes my son plays shy, so that's what we thought. We allowed him to spend one last night with them (me being absolutely clueless.). Besides he seemed OK around the both of them when I dropped him off. I took James home and decided to spend a fun filled day walking by the beach. We went to the beach on the subway, and while on the subway train I started asking how his night was? Did he have fun? what did he eat? what did he do? where did he sleep? He told me he had fun, they went to McDonald's and watched movies and my son wouldn't leave grammas side. He went into her bed and they slept. late that night grandpa snuck upstairs, brought my son down and told him they were playing the touching game, and a few nasty things happened. We spent the day at the beach, although I was so pissed off I did not enjoy my day. As soon as I stepped foot into the house I called his dad and told him what my son told me. He was there is minutes, together we decided we were gonna take him to the ER to be checked and get a rape kit done. The ER called the police. Over the next week we were interviewed by a female detective, James had to show where he was touched. They believed him, DCFS (cps_ believed him, I believed him, but the grandpa lied!!!! I was so outraged I thought about going after him. I had several offers to burn down his house, beat his ass on the street and so-on. I let the police take care of it. The day I found out they were gonna do nothing I got pro-active. He works at the town public works as a mechanic. Public works are the people who are in charge of the garbage, pot holes, they were fixing each alley and ours was next. On the bright side every single person who works in that town knows who he is. I took a sign posted a picture of him and wrote down BEWARE DANGER THIS MAN IS A MOLESTER AND A RAPIST!!!! WITCH YOUR CHILDREN... HE RAPED MY CHILD. and of coarse I had down his name and address and phone number. I had to take the signs down after the detective made me. I think I got my revenge... BASTARD My son will never ever be the same. My child has a life threatening condition that when stressed his vocal cords close up. It cuts off his airway and he could die. He has already logged many hours and days in the PICU... predator

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